Terror's Advocate
Terror's Advocate

Genre: Documentar
Rating: N/A
International Release: 29.12.2007
Release in Romania: 29.12.2007
Studio: Magnolia Pictures
Team: Barbet Schroeder (dir.), Jacques Verges, Abderrahmane Benhamida, Bachir Boumaaza, Isabelle Coutant-Peyre, Guillaume Durand

A history of world terrorist movement as told through the story of the enigmatic figure Jacques Verges. Communist, anti-colonialist, right-wing extremist? What convictions guide the moral mind of Jacques Verges? Barbet Schroeder takes us down history's darkest paths in his attempt to illuminate the mystery behind this enigmatic figure. As a young lawyer during the Algerian war, Verges espoused the anti-colonialist cause and defended Djamila Bouhired, "la Pasionaria", who bore her country's hopes for freedom on her shoulders and was sentenced to death for planting bombs in cafes. He obtained her release, married her and had two children with her. Then suddenly, at the height of an illustrious career, Verges disappeared without trace for eight years. He re-emerged from his mysterious absence, taking on the defense of terrorists of all kinds, from Magdalena Kopp and Anis Naccache to Carlos the Jackal. He represented historical monsters such as Nazi lieutenant Klaus Barbie. From the lawyer's inflammatory and provocative cases to his controversial terrorist links, Barbet Schroeder follows the winding trail left by this "devil's advocate", as he forges his unique path in law and politics. Schroeder explores and questions the history of "blind terrorism" through his penetrating investigation of this compelling man and leads us towards shocking revelations that expose long-hidden links in history.

See also:
Redline Georgia Rule House of Wax United 93 Vacancy
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